Am I not amazing?(:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Difference Between Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen

There's a lot of differences between a beautiful man wizard and a disgusting dead emotionless freak. So in other words there are a lot of differences between Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen. One of them is that Cedric Diggory could look at bunnies and puppies and humans without constantly looking like he's about to vomit his brains out. Edward Cullen, on the other hand..... sadly, we can't say the same thing. But that's actually kind of good, because we want him to puke his brains out. Then maybe he can get a new one. A whole one. Possibly. Another difference is that Cedric Diggory sparkles in a beautiful man sort of way. Edward Cullen sparkles in a completely mental looking sort of way. Plus, Hufflepuffs aren't killers. If Robert Pattinson would have done a better job as a vampire than he would have as a nice, amazing, beautiful, 'fierce, fierce friend' wizard man, then they would have put him in Slytherin in the Harry Potter movie. And I'm just saying this to all you twilight fans... they ARE the same person. Just one of them is a beautiful student beautiful man beautiful beautiful beautiful and the other one is a dead, emotionless freak, who looks like he's smelling something repulsive while looking at a dead bunny. So just so I'm sure everybody understands me, Cedric Diggory is beautiful, and twilight ruined Robert Pattinsons man beauty. It's such a terrible movie that it doesn't even deserve to be capitalized.



  1. Robert Pattinson is a blob. A big weird blob. I do not like him. He was good in Harry Potter. That's about it. Bye.

  2. Lol if he was in anything...... A N Y T H I N G else besides twilight, he would probably still be amazing.

  3. Probably. It's like, 'OMG! I'm in Harry Potter I'm a genius' and then he's in Twilight and the world flushes him down the drain. Nobody likes you anymore Robert. Just face it. Oh, and he's too pale, he actually LOOKS like he IS a real vampire. Spray Tan him, maybe. I don't know it's just weird.
    Your friend,

  4. I mean, to be honest... when the fourth Harry Potter cam eout, everyone was all, "Cedric Diggory's ugly!" But now he's a dead emotional freak, and suddenly everyone's in love with him?!WHAT THE HECK, WORLD?!
