Am I not amazing?(:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Potterhead, Much? (That's Me!)

Okay, now it's time for me to stop making you promises about when I'll blog next. Don't be mean-- Sometimes I forget things! I also realized that I'm more of a blogger in the summer... probably because I go up north in the summer, and MAN do I love going up there. Uhm, I have nothing really to blog about right now, but I guess I could just say random things I find either funny or fun. Okay, so... something funny...... OOOHHH!!! I got it. :) Okay... just real quick: WARNING: TWILIGHT FANS MAY WANT TO SKIP THIS AREA OF THIS POST. HARRY POTTER FANS-- YOU'RE ALL CLEAR. Now that that's over with-- If you want to see "The Official Movie/Book Revolution Of The Century" (as I enjoy to call it) you might want to follow these   simple steps:

1.Go go google. Not the little google mabober in the corner of your screen-- open a new window/tab and go to actual There? Good.

2. Type in the search thingie box: "Stephenie Meyer is" but DO NOT hit "Search" or "Enter". Just examine he search recommendations and laugh quietly to yourself(or loudly for the whole world to hear, it really doesn't matter).

3. Delete the "Stephenie Meyer is" *delete delete delete* and change it to "J.K. Rowling is" but again, don't hit "Search" or "Enter". Examine THOSE search recommendations and say quietly to yourself(or loudly for the whole world to hear, it really doesn't matter)-- THERE'S A REVOLUTION GOING ON, BABY! (That was from My Soul To Take... by ze way.)

If you didn't feel like doing all that... simply examine my pictures of the experiment.

      As you can see, there's only 3 things that could suggest an Anti-HP human searched it.
                           As you can also see, no one enjoys Twilight. Case Closed.

As interesting and hilariously revolutionary as that topic was, it's time to move on to another funny/entertaining/random topic. Twilight fans-- it is now safe to proceed.

My friends, the time has come for a completely random topic. Don't get too excited-- that usually ends with soiled underpants and watering eyes(watering of excitement. I shall never maketh you cry). New topic: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Or as I like to call it: The [OHMYGOD] Wizarding World of [IT'S FREAKING] Harry Potter. This place  is  seems AMAUZING. I haven't been there yet so this won't be that long of a topic. BUT. I needed SOMETHING to talk about. They have just about everything to make you feel like you are actually a wizard in training at Hogwarts. They have he entire Hogsmeade villiage, complete with Zonko's Joke Shop, The Three Broomsticks, and Honeydukes. They have Ollivanders-- That gets me really excited for when(ever) I finally get to go. They even have the actual Hogwarts castle. Me wants to goes >:3      The only thing they're possibly missing to make you feel honestly like you're a wizard-- A Hogwarts themed hotel. Oh my gosh. Harry Potter Heaven, much?!

 Hmm...... I'm kinda tired now..... it is 1:30......... so I'm gonna go to bed.....probably dream Harry Potter dreams, this has been a very wizardy post. Nightsy night, me friends :3

Julia :)

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