Am I not amazing?(:

Monday, November 14, 2011

A day in the life of Julia.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Julia Desanto for a day? Probably not... but I'm bored, So I'll tell you about it anyway. Warning: Not the most exciting day you'd live to see. Sometimes it is! But only on occasions. Not very many of them, but still! Anyway, whether you have or haven't, I'm still bored and I need something to blog about. So, I'll blog about me(:

If you were me on weekdays. You would wake up at 6:00 am, and not get out of bed for 20-30 minutes, because it's too cold in your room in the morning, no matter how hot it gets at night. When you got out of bed you would straighten your hair, get angry for a moment because it never straightens right, then get dressed & get over it. You'd look at the clock and it would be 7:45, but you'd be about 10 minutes from leaving. Not your problem, you'll be on time to school. You just won't want to hear your sister in a bad mood because she had a bad day at school because she was late(You're kind of scared of your sister, by the way...). But you'd leave. And your sister would get to school just on time. Then you'd pull out your mom's phone(Still working on changing that to YOUR phone, get back to you on that later), and text Meghann. You get to school. You find Meghann. You talk. Then the bell rings. (DUH.)

After the bell rings. You'd go to your locker. Do all the stuff people do at a locker, then walk to the 400 hall to your doom. Science. In. Action. That class is fine. Well, I guess it would be if we ever did anything. It's just the teacher that I can't stand to look at. I feel it's a good idea not to mention names... just in case.... but she kind of makes me want to take something adorable and small and delicate, like a bunny, and puke all over it. She's awful. She's lost my friend's homework twice, and she's lost my homework once. But that one time she lost my homework, the homework was three pages. Front & back. -_-"
That woman... plus, she never stops saying, "There is no reason you shouldn't get an A in my class." How about the ONLY reason being YOU losing everyone's homework?!?! Plus, she's a very rude person... I'm not going to say what she did to make me think she's rude, but it was SO mean. That woman really irks me... Then the bell rings, and you feel like you're getting out of prison after 100 years.

Locker. 2nd hour. You love second hour. Web Tech. You are the only seventh grader that sits in the back table on laptops, because there weren't enough computers for all 34 kids in the class. The rest are all 8th graders, there's four. One of your friends, Emily, laughs at some really stupid stuff, which makes you laugh, which makes Austin make fun of you. This happens a lot, because about everyday, Emily laughs really hard at the fact that me, her, and Austin only talk to each other, and the other two 8th graders only talk to each other, but we don't ever talk all five of us. Apparently this is enough to make Emily laugh so hard her face turns bright red.

3rd hour. Science. Teacher. Nice (sometimes), but she talks too much... Then she yells at you for not having a quiz done, but she talked all the way through it while you were trying to think. There's only one up side to that class, but only the people who know me know what that is... and they're the only people that WILL know what that is... hehe...... 

4th hour, English. Your teacher is your 1st grade teacher, and she's SO nice. Still. By the way, there's the same exact up side to that class that there is in 3rd hour.
When the bell rings, you walk out of the class, but you have to dodge about 65 kids walking a different way than you, because they're all walking to their lockers or their lunch. (C Lunch) But you're walking towards your friend's locker so you can walk to lunch with her.

Lunch is good. You have lunch with your best friend. And a plus that is the exact same as 3rd and 4th hour. Just sayin'.  What else can you say about lunch? Everyone knows what that is, so...

After lunch, you go to your 5th hour. Math. Oh, math. My favorite allergy. Enough said.

6th hour. Last hour of the day, and you have one of your favorite teachers. Even if you don't like the class, the teacher makes it  A M A Z I N G.  You have 6th hour with your other best friend, and you sit next to a kid who seems to be a hyper 5 year old. He's entertaining though....... especially his little story about locking his older sister in a dog cage and poking her with a stick, and making her watch him rip the heads off her barbies. That was pretty............ uh, disturbing...

2:40. The bell rings. You walk out of school, obviously. Your friend's mom drives you home, because you are a schools of choice kid, and you're not allowed to take a bus, and they live right down the street. When you get home, you go on the computer, read, sleep, do whatever you feel like doing that day. Fridays, you usually put on leggings and a comfortable t-shirt and read a book.(:

If you were me on weekends. Well, you'd do kind of whatever seemed fun that day. You usually want to go OUTSIDE and do something, but seeing as it's freezing and none of your friends live too close to you, you're best bet is begging your parents to let us all go do something fun....... Apple Orchard in the Fall, whatever we feel like in the Summer, another whatever we feel like in the Winter. Just something. Please!! Anyway, that usually doesn't work out, but occasionally it does, and that's when you're a happy little Julia(:

When the weekend is over, you repeat. Obviously,

Ohk, so... that got rid of my boredom... And if you got through to the end of this post, lucky you, now you know all about me (your favorite person). Or you're just as bored as me, who knows. But thanks for sticking with me through this... :)

I'll blog again soon, this time I promise!!

(Honestly, by 'Soon' I may mean any time after December 3rd. I want my next post to be about my birthday, so..... :D)


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