Am I not amazing?(:

Monday, August 22, 2011

It's been a while.....

Wow, it's been a long time since I last blogged. I really haven't said a word about anything that I've been doing. So, I'm going to fill you in. From the middle of July on. After that, I'll try to blog more.

So. July 12th. (3 days late, by the way. But for good reason. We got to see our friends that live in Arizona, Tim and Raime!(and Ringo!) ) Me and my older sister, Nicole, got up at like 7:30, which was when out parents told us to be awake and getting ready to leave for up north.(Olivia was coming the next day) Of course, my parents weren't even up yet. We got my mom up in about 10 minutes. She's the easy one. But my dad. It took us an hour just to get him to stand up. He was the one stressing to us to be up early. Ha.
  So, when we were all packed and ready it was, what was supposed to be early, turned out to be about noon. Then my dad had to go and get the new truck. Apparently we needed it before we could go. That's why we were 3 days late. When he got back(an hour and a half later), He had to clean the wheels on the trailer. Which had no point at all, because we were going to be driving for 4 hours, then pulling into a 'driveway' which is actually just a cleared space for parking. There's no cement there. It's just dirt. It's not the driveway that annoys me, it's the fact that the wheels had to be cleaned for another hour before we could get on the road.
  And we ended up leaving around 4:30. 3 days, 8 hours, and 30 minutes late. At least we were going though, right? Kinda.
  When we got there, it was around 8. We un-packed our stuff, then we went down the the boardwalk and just looked at the water. We hadn't seen the lake in forever. We walked down the beach a while, and it was pretty fun. About an hour later, we left the lake and went back to the cabin. I was really happy to finally be there. We were all starving, because we weren't allowed to eat while we were waiting to leave, because my dad didn't want us to start eating then end up not being able to finish it. Because that would have happened. It takes us ten thousand years to finish eating a bowl of cereal. So, my dad left and got food. When he came back, we were all rolling on the ground clutching our stomaches. Why, you may ask? Because he got the truck detailed. He was gone about an hour. Oh, father. So we ate and watched a movie and went to bed. I had a dream about dying of hunger. Just kidding... that was almost my reality. :P
   Next morning. We had no food in the cabin for breakfast, so my dad went to get donuts. HE WAS GONE FOREVER. He cleaned the truck, went grocery shopping, and apparently decided to go down to the beach before bringing us our food. It was kind of funny. We ate. Then we went to the beach. My least favorite part of being up north. Why? Because I hate sand, and I'm always bored out of my mind. Plus, the day just before we left, of course, I lost my sunglasses. So, I got to HEAR Lake Huron, but I barely got to look at it. We were there about 6 hours. FUN.
 I actually decided to walk back across the street myself. When I got there, Olivia and her boyfriend Ben had just gotten there. I went and sat in the cabin and watch movies and color while I dried off from my shower. After I was completely dry-I didn't dare go outside wet, the mosquitoes were killer- I grabbed my camera and went into the back of the cabin by the woods and took a couple pictures.  I was really mad at myself at that point, because I had forgotten to bring any long pants, long socks, tennis shoes, or anything else I need to be able to walk into the woods. I've never done that before,  because I never thought of it. But a couple days before we left I was thinking about how I was supposed to try and get good pictures, and I decided to bring back woods clothes. It's really fun, it might be my favorite thing about being up north.                                                                                                                                                                                               Anyway, after I was done taking pictures, I went inside and colored some more. (I love coloring!) In about ten minutes, my parents got back home and started a fire. We had dinner, then Olivia and Ben went to Family Video and got Insidious. YAY!(: It was actually really scary. You know how most scary movies aren't really all that scary as they seem? This one was actually scarier. It was really good. Ben ended up having to stay the night, because it was like 2:30 and he was going to visit his parents 2 hours away in Alpena. So, we all went in the morning to Alpena and had dinner there. Guess what day that was. July 14th. So, guess what I was doing at midnight that night. HARRY POTTER!!!<3(;                                                                                                                                     In Alpena, Ben's parents live on Long Lake. We went on a boat ride for a little bit, my dad was in heaven. He hadn't been on a boat in two years. Well, neither had I. And.... Neither had Olivia. Well, anyone that knows her can imagine. She was TERRIFIED. I can't blame her. It was a smaller boat than we're used to. And my dad was driving. I think he almost flipped us over a couple times. Lol. Anyway, We got out into the big part of Long Lake, and it's bigger than it looks from the house. Haha. We got out kind of In the middle of it and turned of the boat and started to float. (Not Olivia's first choice) While we were floating, Ben's little brother decided splashing me would be 'funny'. I guess it would have been, If I wasn't wearing my favorite shirt. But whatever. I'm on a lake, I guess I have to get a little wet. Anyway, the shirt had time to dry before midnight, which was when I needed it. It was my Harry Potter shirt. Yes. VERY IMPORTANT HERE, PEOPLE.                                                                                                                                               We sat for about 20 minutes, then starting heading back home. After the boat ride, Me, Olivia, and Ben went on a walk down the trail down the road. The trail went through the woods, and it was pretty cool. It was right next to this creek, with so many of those crawfish thingie mabobers! Anyway, it was a really cool creek. Lots of rocks, so the current looked really cool against them. And there was this tree that looked like it was planted there on accident, but grown the way it did kind of on purpose. It was perfect. Right next to the creek, and it grew like sideways then up. It was cool, because you could stand on the trunk and it went over the creek, so you could stand right over the creek without having to step on those rocks! >.< I decided next time we go to Alpena, I'm bringing my camera! The creek was really pretty.                                                                                                  Anyway, we went back home and ate dinner. After dinner, we stayed for about 2 hours, then headed home. We got home at 10:00. At 10:30 me and my mom and Olivia went to the theater, because they opened the doors at 11:00. I was dying. Once we got into the theater, I was dying even more. Once the movie STARTED, I had dropped dead in the middle of the theater. IT WAS AMAZING. Much better that the sixth. You've already heard my opinion on that one. Okay, let's not get me started. Lol. We went home and went straight to bed. I was so tired. By the way, that was a good review on the last Harry Potter movie.                                                          Next day. Beach all day again. I left early again, took a shower, got dressed, scratched my hives, (I also discovered that day that I'm allergic to Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen.) and--of course--colored for a while. Then my mom came back, took a shower, and we went back across the street and took a walk down the beach... it would have been better if we could have started down on the beach at our friend's house, because that's farther down the beach, and if you walk far enough, you can see where the sand ends. It's really cool, because the sand kind of twirls then just ends. It obviously starts again somewhere, but not where you can see it from there. It's cool. Pictures next summer. That's a promise. We walked for about an hour, then headed back home. When we got home we had dinner and sat by the fire for a while. Then, bed.                                                                                                                                  Next day Saturday, Me and Nicole and Olivia went to the beach while my dad worked on the cabin. I don't remember what he was fixing. But something needed fixing, apparently. I was in the water for a while, Olivia swam with me for a little bit. We skipped rocks and tried to catch minnows in our hands for an hour and a half. Neither of us caught one. Then Nicole got in for about 20 minutes. I stayed in for about an hour after my sisters got out, then I went back across the street. I was really tired of swimming. I know. Me? Tired? Of swimming?! Not **usually** possible. But, I guess I was just in a bad mood that day. I don't know.                                                                                                                                                               Next day: Sunday. Last day. Olivia left early when Ben passed on the way home from Alpena and picked her up. Beach all day for real this time, I stayed just as long as everyone else, one, because it was the last day in Lake Huron( I didn't know it then, but it was the last time all summer :( ). Plus, Nicole and my parents swam with me the whole time. Usually the reason I don't like beaches is because I get sandy and everything for no reason, because I have nobody to swim with. But this time, getting sandy ( I    H A T E   getting sandy) was definitely worth it. I caught a minnow in my hand(: HA-HA, OLIVIA! Just kidding.                                               We were at the beach from noon to 6:30. We went back across the street, took showers, got dressed(I took a couple pictures(: ), and packed up and left. The drive home was very comfortable. I watched Harry Potter-- big surprise there, right?-- and fell asleep a couple times. Me and Nicole were starving half to death. Burger King time(: Yes(: Okay. I guess that doesn't matter. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD(: Okay. Anyway, We got home around 1:30, and just like always, the house smelled good. I don't know why, I think I just got so used to the smell of the Cave (that's what we call our cabin) that the way my house smelled just kind of...... I don't know how to explain it, you know what I mean! Haha. I was home again, and I wished I was still up north. Oh, yeah, and I forgot to mention: I found the most adorable house up there. It was painted like, a periwinkle type color, with soft pink and soft green shutters. And there were so many cute little flowers all around it, the backyard was adorable, and I fell in love with that house. The colors don't sound all that cute. I realize that. But just wait until you see it. But when you do, just remember. IT'S MINE. (:                                        And I spent the entire week switching between only two songs on my ipod. If Not For My Glasses by Dear And The Headlights, and Thick As Thieves by Dashboard Confessional. They're still two of my favorite songs, and I'm still spending my time switching between the bands when I listen to my Ipod. So, if you haven't heard of those songs, I suggest you listen to them. And every other song by Dear And The Headlights. They have recently become my favorite band of all time.                                                                                         
The day after we got home, my dad took me to turn in my applications for Garden City Middle School. I'm supposed to go to a school in Wayne called Franklin, but.... I was just praying to get accepted in Garden City.
I spent the next 3 weeks kind of freaking out every time a phone rang. At one point, it was past the date they said they would call if I was accepted, so I spent that half a week in a very bad mood. But that all changed once my mom called to find out if they ever called and we just missed it, and-- They had! So, lucky me, I'm officially a Garden City Bulldog!
I used to go to school in GC before I moved after 4th grade. So it'll be weird to go back in middle school, because the only people who I've seen and who have seen me from Garden City are my two best friends, Emily and Meghann. I already got a stare-down from two twins from GC and their mom and their friend in Kroger a couple weeks ago, and it was really weird. It made me feel like I looked like a monkey >.< I don't know. It was just really weird. And I'm scared I'm going to get that from everyone else when I get back. I better brace myself.
Nothing very exciting has happened since then.... well, Saturday me and my parents drove (unexpectedly, in the rain) to Caseville, MI for the Cheeseburger in Caseville festival. It was fun(: They had little shops set up all down the street, food, Jimmy Buffet music, and at the end of the street there was a band that was singing Jimmy Buffet songs, and they sounded EXACTLY like him. Even when he talked. And I should know that talking voice by heart, I watch 'Hoot' almost every day! (I'm in love with Logan Lerman xD) (well, it's a good movie, too..... but Logan Lerman is just beautiful.)

     So, this has been a fun, and very long post. I'm gonna go rest my hands now. They've been cramping up for about an hour now. I might go soak them in warm water. I don't know. I'll just make them feel better. Check back later, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, I still have things to blog about..... they just wouldn't fit with the theme of this particular blog, my favorite theme, ME!(:

Thanks for reading(:



  1. Wow that was long. Lol, good blog post.

  2. Haha I told you! xD
    Did you read it all? :3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That was very long, yet evenful. i like it ;)

  5. Of course it was eventful. I mean, That's all I did this summer... my summers been boring. So I had to put it into one blog. lol

  6. There's where my comments went! Lol!
